Easiest Way to Cook Appetizing Molletes de guacamole

Molletes de guacamole, Mexican salsa or pico de gallo, for serving. traditional molletes use Oaxaca cheese. easily found in Mexican Grocery stores (well easy if you re in the south!). . (scallions guacamole salsa verde etc). Thank you for sharing your recipe Jenny! I hope that others will enjoy them as much as our family does. Molletes are easy to love, with warm refried beans and gooey, melted cheese on top of a soft roll topped with zesty pico de gallo, spicy chorizo or cool guacamole. It's virtually impossible to deny them. To make the molletes a bit more filling, you could also add some sliced avocados, guacamole or even crumbled chorizo on top! These are simply made using refried or mashed beans, cheese and pico de gallo served on bread. The bread typically used is called bolillo and can be found in most market's bakery area, but any bread works for these really. esta es la receta que estas buscando? Mire la lista del menú para elegir la receta y la bebida que desea probar. si buscas Molletes de guacamole estás en el lugar correcto.

Molletes de guacamole To make the molletes a bit more filling, you could also add some sliced avocados, guacamole or even crumbled chorizo on top! These are simply made using refried or mashed beans, cheese and pico de gallo served on bread. The bread typically used is called bolillo and can be found in most market's bakery area, but any bread works for these really. You can easy and quick cooker Molletes de guacamole using 13 ingredients and 10 steps. Next how you to achieve it.

Hora de hacer estas recetas :
    Preparar: menos que 10 Minuto
    Cook Time: 20 Minuto

Ingredientes que deben prepararse para el Molletes de guacamole :

  1. Make ready 4 of panes pequeños. baguettes -
  2. Make ready 3 of aguacates -
  3. set 3 of chiles dulces rojos pequeños -
  4. Necesitas 3 of chiles dulces amarillos pequeños -
  5. Necesitas 3 of chiles dulces anaranjados pequeños -
  6. Necesitas 1 of cebollita verde -
  7. Necesitas 3 hojas of menta -
  8. It's 3 ramitas of albahaca -
  9. Preparar 3 ramitas of perejil -
  10. It's 3 ramitas of de cilantro -
  11. It's 2 of limones -
  12. It's of sal -
  13. It's of pimienta -

Talk about a way to make them even more wholesome and colorful. A healthy mix of ripe tomatoes, a bit of onion, cilantro and fresh chile, all mixed with fresh squeezed lime juice. But sometimes I will serve them along a Salsa Verde or Chipotles in Adobo. You'll end up with a vibrant bowl of Pico de Gallo that will regularly find its way into your kitchen.

Molletes de guacamole instrucciones :

  1. Lavar muy bien cada uno de los ingredientes.
  2. Cortar los chiles dulces en cuadritos pequeños.
  3. Picar finamente el perejil, el cilantro, la menta y varias hojitas de albahaca y la cebollita verde..
  4. Corte los aguacates por la mitad y retire la semilla y con una cuchara o tenedor exprima el aguacate en cuenco..
  5. Ahora agregue los chiles dulces y el resto de condimentos verdes..
  6. Exprima el jugo de los limones y agregue a la mezcla y sal condimente y mezcle muy bien..
  7. Corte el pan por la mitad y nuevamente por la mitad y coloque en el tostador por 1 a 2 min y retire del tostador..
  8. Ahora recubra cada pieza de pan con el guacamole y decore con hojas de albahaca..
  9. Esta receta rinde 16 porciones.
  10. Precio $10.
Nutrición por ración :
    Sirve Para 2 personas
    Kcal: 70
    Fat: 12g
    Carbs: 19g
    Protein: 52g
    Sugar: 32g

Okay, enough chatting, time to eat! Molletes are typically served open-faced using bolillos, but any traditional sandwich roll will work for this recipe. Once you cut the rolls in half it's worth baking them for a few minutes before adding the toppings; this will help crisp them up. Pico de gallo (fresh tomato salsa) adds color and fresh flavor to the molletes, so we consider it a necessary embellishment; sliced avocado and pickled jalapeños are delicious but optional. He visits the market's resident Frida Kahlo impersonator, Beatriz Vázquez, who cooks him her specialty, Enchiladas Verdes.

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