How to Make Tasty Cocktel Margarita

Cocktel Margarita, A margarita is a Mexican cocktail consisting of tequila, orange liqueur, and lime juice often served with salt on the rim of the glass. The drink is served shaken with ice (on the rocks), blended with ice (frozen margarita), or without ice (straight up). Коктейли с бренди: Sazerac, Horse's Neck, Coffee Cocktail. Margarita Cocktail. this link is to an external site that may or may not meet accessibility guidelines. Margaritas are a treat built on tradition, and tradition calls for simplicity: good tequila, Cointreau, fresh lime juice, and salt for good measure. This is the best way to make a. The Margarita is one of the most popular cocktails in North America—for good reason. Learn how to make a great margarita from scratch. The original cocktail recipe requires just three ingredients to create a delicious tequila drink. esta es la receta que estas buscando? Mire la lista del menú para elegir la receta y la bebida que desea probar. si buscas Cocktel Margarita estás en el lugar correcto.

Cocktel Margarita The Margarita is one of the most popular cocktails in North America—for good reason. Learn how to make a great margarita from scratch. The original cocktail recipe requires just three ingredients to create a delicious tequila drink. You can easy and quick serve Cocktel Margarita using 4 ingredients and 5 steps. Here is how you to cook this.

Hora de hacer estas recetas :
    Preparar: menos que 10 Minuto
    Cook Time: 10 Minuto

Ingredientes que deben prepararse para el Cocktel Margarita :

  1. set 4 of partes de tequila -
  2. Necesitas 2 of partes de Cointreau -
  3. Necesitas 2 of partes de jugo de limón -
  4. Preparar of Hielo, sal -

Los tipos de preparación de los cocktels son: directo, refrescado, batido, licuado, frozzen, flambeado. El margarita es uno de los cócteles más famosos que existen, por su combinación de sabores que lo hacen único frente a otros cócteles. Y su preparación resulta extremadamente sencilla. It's the taste of summer, holidays and fun.

Cocktel Margarita instrucciones :

  1. Pon en una coctelera (o similar) el tequila, el Cointreau y el limón.
  2. Añade el hielo y lo batis.
  3. Mojar el borde de la copa con jugo de limón.
  4. Das vuelta la copa para hundir el borde en sal.
  5. Servís en la copa, sin el hielo..
Nutrición por ración :
    Sirve Para 3 personas
    Kcal: 130
    Fat: 12g
    Carbs: 12g
    Protein: 22g
    Sugar: 32g

Andy Pearson, shows you how to make the perfect margarita. See more ideas about Margarita, Cocktail recipes, Margarita cocktail. The margarita is a cocktail consisting of tequila mixed with triple sec and lime or lemon juice, often served with salt on the glass rim. It is the most common tequila-based cocktail in the United States. The drink is usually served shaken with ice, on the rocks, blended with ice (frozen margarita).

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