Recipe: Tasty Margarita de Mango

Margarita de Mango, To make it on the rocks - You'll need some mango juice instead of fresh mangos. The advantage to using frozen mango in a mango margarita is: it shortcuts chopping the mango! It takes a little time to cut a mango, so it's more convenient to grab a bag of frozen diced chunks. Rim margarita, hurricane-style glass or cocktail glasses with sugar, if inclined. Blend all ingredients in a blender or food processor if using fresh or frozen mango. Otherwise, pour into cocktail shaker and shake. The base of the mix is frozen mango chunks. I bought a bag of them in the frozen fruit section. esta es la receta que estas buscando? Mire la lista del menú para elegir la receta y la bebida que desea probar. si buscas Margarita de Mango estás en el lugar correcto.

Margarita de Mango Otherwise, pour into cocktail shaker and shake. The base of the mix is frozen mango chunks. I bought a bag of them in the frozen fruit section. You can easy and quick have Margarita de Mango using 7 ingredients and 3 steps. after this how you to achieve that.

Hora de hacer estas recetas :
    Preparar: menos que 8 Minuto
    Cook Time: 18 Minuto

Ingredientes que deben prepararse para el Margarita de Mango :

  1. Make ready 1/4 taza of tequila -
  2. Preparar 1/4 taza of triple sec o Cointreau -
  3. Necesitas 3/4 taza of pulpa de mango licuada -
  4. Preparar of Jugo de medio limón -
  5. Necesitas 1 taza of hielo -
  6. Make ready 1 cdita of azúcar -
  7. Make ready 1 cucharada of chile piquín en polvo (para escarchar la copa) -

I like starting with frozen mango instead of fresh because then you don't need to add ice, which melts and waters down your margarita. Blending the frozen mango gives you the mango flavor and the frozen. These Mango Margaritas are the perfect drink to pair with your favorite Mexican dishes or to simply enjoy on its own. This recipe creates a restaurant worthy mango margarita thanks to using real mango.

Margarita de Mango Preparar :

  1. Mezclar en la licuadora el tequila, el triple sec, la pulpa de mango, el jugo de limón y 1/2 taza de hielo. Agregar el azúcar si es necesario (dependerá de lo dulce que esté el mango)..
  2. Humedecer el borde de una copa con limón y luego pasarla por el chile piquín para que se pegue. Servir y poner el resto del hielo, decorar con una rebanada de limón..
  3. ¡Salud!.
Nutrición por ración :
    Sirve Para 2 personas
    Kcal: 130
    Fat: 21g
    Carbs: 21g
    Protein: 45g
    Sugar: 53g

This recipe can be made with either fresh or frozen mango. Give this mango margarita a try (also called a Margarita de Mango) I think you'll love it! Click here to pin this refreshing margarita now! Orange Liqueur - if you wonder about what type of orange liqueur to buy, the Serious Eats Guide to Orange Liqueur is a good read. This easy mango margarita is the perfect summer drink!

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